Frogs of Borneo

Frogs of Borneo

Frogs of Borneo

Frogs of Borneo

Frogs of Borneo

Frogs of Borneo

Frogs of Borneo

Frogs of Borneo

Frogs of Borneo

Frogs of Borneo

Frogs of Borneo
Bornean Families
Lowland Dwarf Toad
Pelophryne signata is a common dwarf toad of the lowlands in Sarawak and Sabah. The high pitched calls can be heard at dusk and sometimes during the day in primary and secondary forests. Males call from low vegetation. It is easily diagnosed by its truncated finger tips and a light band from below the eye to the groin. More than one species may be involved in what is currently known under P. signata.
Size of adults: approx. 15-18 mm, females only slightly larger than males.