Frogs of Borneo

Frogs of Borneo

Frogs of Borneo

Frogs of Borneo

Frogs of Borneo

Frogs of Borneo

Frogs of Borneo

Frogs of Borneo

Frogs of Borneo

Frogs of Borneo

Frogs of Borneo
Bornean Families
Seep Frog
Occidozyga berbeza can be found along shallow, slow flowing small forest streams, at elevations of up to 1.120 m. Currently there are not many records of this species and its distributional range is still unknown. Furthermore, the ecology of this species (as in many other Borneoan frog species) is mostly unkown. Tadpoles live in the shallow water film that covers the leaf litter in quiet areas of the stream.
It is a small sized frog. Maximum size is approximately 17 mm in males and 20 mm in females. Dorsal coloration is variable, brown to orange brown with dark markings. The eyes are relatively large and the snout is short.
The tadpoles are predatory and ingest small invertebrates. The tail is long and the tail fin is low. The tail tip is pointed. The mouth is terminal in position and the orifice appears quite small. The tympanum is indistinct. The back bears transverse fine wrinkles.
Unfortunately, we had confused the species in a paper published 2013 with Limnonectes rhacodus, a species of similar size, wrinkled back and color markings, but with fangs in the lower jaw (absent in O. berbeza). See Matsui et al. (2021) for more details on resolving this taxonomic case.